Sunday, January 24, 2010


Wow I haven't written in a long long time. After that shock, this entry is bound to be long and probably cover a few different things.

Elijah is well, We took him to his 2 week appointment and they were going to attempt to circumsize him. They actually started the process, and Nate and I were in the room. They stopped almost immediately though (They did cut some of him though) and said they couldn't go any further. They were sending us the the Urologist on call at Junction Cities hospital. Apparently my son's urethra is not on the top but the side. This can cause problems later in life. So Around August Elijah is going to have to go in for Surgery. They cannot preform it prior to 6 months of age. I told them they needed to do it while Nathan was home though. So we go back on august 5th to do his pre-op appointment things. At his last appointment (Last Wed.) he was weighing in at 7 pounds even. Most other babies we know of are WAY bigger than him. Even the ones born after him. He is just a little guy I guess. He can still wear his NB clothing and it actually still looks gigantic on him. Also on last Wed. Nate was sitting on the bed before work with Elijah and I. I laid him down on the bed and he rolled over 2 times in a row. I can only assume he'd done it prior to that too because Nate had put Ruby in our bedroom before PT and woke us up. Being a sleepy Mommy I laid Elijah in out bed with hims regular pillow wall, I laid him on his back of course. He was on his tummy 5 minutes later. He hasn't done it too much since then though, I don't really know why, I guess he is just over it. He has done it a few times, but never when I have the camera or when I want him too.

I think he has colic, Well actually I don't but after 2 hours of Google this morning I guess I just wonder. For the past 2 days he will scream when any place but in my arms, and even then he must be upright. He is kind of okay with his swing if its in the upright position. He wants nothing to do with laying on his back. I can lay him on my chest sometimes, and that helps allot. Last night he screamed bloody murder from 8:30pm to 12:30am..... He only calmed down I am convinced because I took a warm bath with him and fed him. I think he wore himself out from crying. It didn't last long though, only about 2 hours, and then it was all over again. I am wondering if Gripe Water would do anything, its what google suggests. Mylacon isn't doing anything. He still is too young for Tylenol according to most articles and Tylenols website.

I am doing alright, and so is Nathan. I guess NTC is going to be around July so I will be in Ohio then. We originally thought it would be May/June but I guess the Army had other plans. It moved back though, which is odd. Around November they were saying April/May and its slowly moved back. No I am not thinking something stupid like he wont be deployed, I know he will, I just think the Army is doing the good ole' "Hurry up and Wait" thing. When he deploys I will be moving home. I know a few people are unhappy about this, and I know that they have their own opinions but for us I know we can save more money if I go home and I personally think if I can take that year home to make sure Elijah knows his family than I am going too. If I know we can save more money if I am home, then I will. There is nothing in Kansas for me when Nathan is gone anyway, The only reason I live in this state is because of him so if he isn't even here then why should I be here. I honeslty let it bother me at first that people didn't like the idea but Nate and I were talking about it the other day and I looked right at him and said "Well if she thinks it is stupid I am moving home then Elijah and I don't have to stop by and see her right?". The way I see it anymore is that I realize everyone does things differently. I know that what is right for one may not be right for others. Maybe staying in Kansas would be better for some people, but for me, in my personal situation it is not. I don't feel the need to comment on what others do in their marriage or situations, I sure do wish some wouldn't share their comments with me. I am going to do what Nathan and I figure is best for us. If you can't support us then I just feel sorry for you. Like I say though, I know there are plenty of those who don't agree with what we do. I just don't really care anymore.

We spent the day looking at cloth diapering systems, I think I finally picked the ones I want. We are going to do the Gro Baby brand. They are expensive, but they are one size fits all, they get the best reviews on amazon and obviously re-usable. Well worth it I think.

Time to go, Elijah is angry.

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