Monday, January 4, 2010

He made his apperance :)

Well if you don't know by now, and I doubt that as Nate shouted it from roof tops, Our son was born on December 23rd. Ironically this date is honestly really ironic to us. December 22nd is our wedding anniversary, and December 23rd is my Grandparents wedding anniversary. Elijah was born on my Grandparents 53rd anniversary! How cute.

So labor wasn't pleasant, and I am in no big rush to do that one again. I had contractions for a few days prior but they weren't strong enough or close enough together to get admitted. Finally at 3am on the 23rd I woke up Nate and said "I can't take it, lets go".... I informed him on the way that I definitely had no intention of having a natural delivery because these things sucked, LOL. They made me walk around and lay on monitors in Triage until about 6am. They kept saying they might send me home, even though the contractions were 5 min apart and I was 4cm. My Dr. came in at 7am though and admitted me, Thank you Lord for epidurals. I am so serious right now. The next 10 hours were a mix of annoying and weird. My blood pressure was high, and so they kept flipping out about that. Then a little later they were concerned about Elijah because I would contract hard and his heart rate would drop. They said it was because the contractions were too close together. So they gave me a drug to slow them down. Then they broke my water, and then they were concerned again about the heart rate dropping. This time it wasn't because of contractions it was just dropping. Later they decided he was safe and fine, so they started Pictosin. At about 6pm my Epidural stopped working all together, so they came and redid it. Then at like 9:30pm they determined I should start pushing, but they took their time starting that. I pushed for about an hour, and then they realized that Elijah was face up, rather than down. So the whole time I was pushing I was basically pushing him into my pelvic bone and not moving him much. So my Dr. (Who hate Cesareans by the way) told me we could use clamp and get him born. So we opted to do that.

At 10:41pm my son was born, and he is perfect. He weighed 5 pounds 13 ounces. He was 20 inches long. What a great baby :)

He was born with a fever, but it went away pretty quick. Unfortunately because he did have the fever they had to do IV anti-biotics for 48 hours. I had a fever too, so I had to have the anti-biotics as well. We both got some rest and food and we were better. We did have to spend Christmas in the hospital though. As long as my family was together I didn't care.

So there ya go, My son was born!!

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