Monday, November 30, 2009

Adopting a Family for the Season

I have recently come into contact with a family that is in need. Now I know that at times we are often nervous about donating, because we feel like our items are being re-sold or not going to someone who actually needs them. I can tell you they are in need, and being that my husband and I have fallen on hard times ourselves and have received some amazing help from others I really want to help this family out. I am a "Pay it Forward" type of person, and if it weren't for some of the generous people in my life my son would not have much, if anything. With that being said, I know as of right now they are in need of the following, but really can use just about anything. Specifically he is looking for:

Baby Gates (Picerne gave them a tri level and his babies are climbers)

Warm clothing in 18 Mo sizes or larger (He has twins, one girl and one boy)

2 Cribs (Again for the twins)

Furniture (All kinds, They just moved in and have nothing)

A Washer and Dryer

Basically just anything I think would help them out. If you have anything you can either let me know, or visit his post on RYS

Again, I know we often see things like this and think we are being scammed but I can assure you this is not the case, and this is just a soldier in need. I am collecting as much as I can on my own (We don't have much) but thought I would see if someone could help this family out as well. He has a little money if there is something you are selling, but they do not have much.

Thanks for taking the time to read this,

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