Monday, November 30, 2009

My Day

Well my day was how shall we say, Interesting and frustrating.

This morning was okay enough, I woke up, had breakfast with the husband and went to my NST. Elijah is great, the fluid around him is great. He apparently weighs 4 pounds which is exciting. They told me to plan on a small baby though, because the medication I am on for the Gestational is going to leave him a little on the smaller side. I know he will be more than 4 pounds obviously, but he shouldn't be more than 6 they estimated. That's okay though, I'd rather go for the smaller than the larger. As long as his lungs and organs are developed.

So last night I was really annoyed because the maintenance crew spent from about 8pm to 12am beating on the walls, pipes and everything else in the neighbors house. I finally called them at 12 and explained that although I understand plumbing issues its late and seeing as your beating on the walls and everything else can we shit off the water and just come back to it in the morning. The lady was really snotty, but even the crew over there agreed to leave since it was late. I guess they came back at like 9am after I left for my appointment.

I left here at about 9 to go, On my way there my air pressure alert came on. So great!
I went after with NST and got air.

I came home and realized that my bathroom was filled with an inch of water. Nice right? So I call Picerne, and the lady on the phone was like "Well is this an emergency? It is lunch time and we are really busy"...... Um YEA its an emergency seeing as all underneath my sink and entire floor are soaked!! I haven't even tried any of the electrical items that were under there (Hair dryer, and such) but did have to throw allot of paper products away (Toilet paper, and various things). That made me mad, and the lady said she would send someone "As soon as she could" and until then I should try and clean up as much as I can (I only threw the rugs in the washer, and cleaned out under the sink so I could get that drying and clean). So its an hour and a half later and still no one has shown. I'm sitting with the bathroom door open and was in Elijah's bedroom sorting clothes. All of a sudden there was a mad gush like someone was in a shower. There was water POURING out from under the sink, Like mad pouring like a shower. I was furious at this point and called back. I was nice at first, said I know I just called but I now was having the pouring of this water. That it needs to be taken care of now because its filled the plastic bucket 3 times, and the neighbor is in fact taking a shower (You can hear it through the wall) and all of his water is coming in MY bathroom. Again she says "We'll we are really busy, we'll get there when we can" Finally I snapped (Pregnancy, Fury, whatever) and said "Well now that its reaching my carpet, you can pay to have that cleaned too because I am not doing it myself. I think this insane amount of water coming from my sink trumps lunch time. If I knew how to turn of my water I would have, but I DONT" She told me I'd have to be patient.... UGH!!

So finally at like 2.5 hours from my 2nd phone call they get here, Turns out they'd blocked the pipes to drain both mine and my neighbors houses, and in the vigorous snaking in the past 2 days they'd put a dime sized hole in my pipes. So essentially because draining for both apartments was blocked I got the water all over my bathroom. Anything run in either apartment (Except the toilet) would pour out into my pipes, and out that hole. Nice right? It took them like 4 hours to fix, Replacing my pipe and going under the building to take care of the clog.

Shonna stopped by, She brought us a gift card to Chilli's. I was so touched by that. Nate and I are going to go on the 22nd (Our anniversary). I can't wait!! Providing I am not having a baby that day lol. That brightened our day, seeing as my bathroom still is torn apart (Their running a fan for 12 hours to dry out the cabinet, and I cant use the sink because they re caulked it).

Supposedly they are going to come at 1 tomorrow to clean my carpets. They better too.

Other than that, I am miserably pregnant, and want it over with but things are okay!

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