Thursday, December 3, 2009

Swirling in the sea of stupid

So may I just say that normally I am kind of a big jerk, its my nature. For some reason I cannot handle the fact that some folks have simply left their brain for dead at home. Let me clarify, as I've been known to have a "Moment" or two, but I really don't know how some others function daily.

The day started out alright, I had my NST at 9:30 am like normal. Everything is okay though, so that was just a normal day, I had hoped.

Last night I didn't get much sleep, I woke up at about 2:30am and could not fall back asleep for the life of me. I texted back and forth with Kelly for awhile (Since she works night shift, she has no choice but to be awake). I fell back asleep at like 6am, but had to wake up at 7:30am...... So I think its fair to say I am a little on the grouchy side. I feel the need to post something on my front door these days to the effect of "Don't you dare ring this door bell if you are going to bombard me with Stupid" but I haven't yet made this sign..... I really should get on this though, as apparently it could have been used today.

Since I was trying to stay awake, so I would sleep well tonight I figured "Lets clean some stuff"..... I swear to you this house is spotless, and was before I started anyway. It was about noon when I began the vacuuming, and I figured "Noon, no big deal right?" and after I finished all but maybe a 2ft by 2ft section by the front door when my bell rang. I answered it, and it happens to be the upstairs neighbor. Anyone who knows me, knows this lady makes my blood boil not pregnant, not sleepy and in a good mood. So Lord knows today was not the day to start with me! She says to me "Can you tone down your vacuuming and do it later? I am trying to take a nap"..... Well let me shine a little light on this person for you. This couple likes to blare their music, beat their dog, have loud intercourse, and stop around until about 4am every night/morning. They haven't taken their dog to the bathroom outside in 3 months, and when they open their door all you can smell is the Urine. They are gross, and rude. Last night she chose to vacuum and run around at about 3am. So by her coming to my door at noon I was pretty offended. Shockingly dear readers I managed to not say anything that would get me in trouble. I said "Okay" and shut my door. Lets not pretend for a second though that I am a jerk, and I am wicked pregnant :) So not only did I finish my task, but I re-started it, and in fact I think each room got vacuumed 3 times today. Further more I chose to shampoo my carpets too. Hope she had a wonderful nap......The hilarious thing though is that even if she tries to retaliate tonight, Post has a noise ordinance so if she is loud past 10:30 she can get a fine. I've just been too nice to call the MP's on her in the past.... Try me now :)

So as you can imagine I was annoyed, and continued to clean things. At about 3pm my door bell rings again. I didn't even want to answer, but had to. It was a separate neighbor with a whole new dumb issue. She wanted to know had I seen anyone mess with her car or steal her purse? I asked her "Someone broke into your car?" and she says "No I left it unlocked and I think they just took it, but I had $300 in it".... Well dear you wont be seeing that again any time soon. I told her no I hadn't seen this, and I had no clue what to tell her. She then proceeded to tell me (As if I cared at all) about how its Ft. Riley's fault for not hiring enough law enforcement MP and Civilian. How if they would do their job and watch the neighborhood nothing like this would happen. I beg to differ dear idiot, as it is not their job to babysit an unlocked car with an extremely tempting prize. Further more, If they are sitting in a parking lot babysitting YOUR purse, how are they supposed to take care of the other people who have actual emergencies?
Apparently she'd called the MP's, so an MP came down and asked me about it. I told him that I'd not seen anything (as I told the idiot upstairs), but if you leave your car unlocked and with cash in plain sight that is kind of dumb. He agreed with me, but said he was just following procedure. Needless to say, I feel like if you can't secure your items then maybe you shouldn't have said items. I'm not normally a "You get what you deserve" type of girl, but today I couldn't help but think it out loud. Now if she had her apartment legitimately broken into, or her car window smashed and her CD player taken I may (Again May) have been more sympathetic to her cause, because at least she tried to secure the items. Not to mention, in the past 3 weeks there have been about 5 fliers from the neighborhood office saying break ins and thefts have been a big problem lately (Always is around the holidays) and to make sure you aren't leaving anything in plain sight or you aren't leaving stuff unlocked........

So that was my rant, I am going to bed now :)

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