Monday, December 7, 2009

Wow Thanks!

So we've been under this severe winter storm warning thingy lately. I didn't think it would be that bad, and even though Nate didn't have PT, by the time there was work call at 9am the roads were fine. So I went to my NST. Although on my way I realized we never but the de-icer windshield washer fluid in, that normally dosen't bother me, however we have the cheap 98 cent type in there now and its frozen in the tubes now. Great.... So until the deep freeze is over, its going to remain frozen I guess because I have no idea what else to do about it. I was able to scrape all but a tiny spot in the middle of the windshield, My belly wont let me reach that. Oh well I guess, Just have to use the defroster!

So at my appointment they added more meds to the system for me, and I had to go pick them up. I hate the Pharmacy at the PX. Mostly because you have to sit there, and everyone is sick and dosen't cover their dang mouths. So I go to the one at the PX, were you can drop off and come back at your leisure, or wait and walk around for a half hour. That's what I chose to do. I walked around the PX, and then sat down on a bench for a bit. On my way out, I was in the cross walk and when I walked out into it there were no cars in that little loop part, but no sooner was I in the way middle did a G6 come speeding around that area. So I was trying to hurry up because he clearly wasn't going to wait for me to waddle across and I didn't want to get hit by him. Well I slipped and fell straight on my butt! I was pretty nervous about that, and there was an E-7 who helped me up and offered to call the MP's on the driver (Who did slam on the breaks and was sitting there watching). I told the E-7 I would like to just sit in my car and A:) Calm down and B:) Call my Dr. So the E-7 turned his attention to the man driving, who ended up being and E-3..... That man tore into this kid for the entire 10 minutes I was on the phone with my Dr. and as I was pulling away he was still screaming, and saying something about give me the information to your chain of command. I don't know if he called the MP's or not, but I imagine that kid is going to have allot of answering to do. My Dr. assured me that if I was experiencing no signs of labor, and Elijah was still kicking it was okay and I should calm down. He called back about 3 hours later to check on me. That is why I love my Dr.

So I came home, and took some pain medication because my tail bone is killing me, and slept for a few hours, and now I am wired. I can't sleep at all. I went through all of the babies clothing, and made a new list because I haven't added any of the gifts we've gotten in the past month to that list. I wanted to make sure it made it on there too.

Other than that, I guess there is supposed to be a ton of snow tonight, and all day tomorrow. Nate has already had PT canceled again, and they said that at 6am they would re-evaluate the roads and let him know if he would need to show up at 9am or have the day off. We decided that if he has the day off that we would cuddle, drink hot coco and watch movies. He says he is going to play in the snow also, but I don't want any of that.......... At some point I want to make Hard Tack Candy. I painted some ornaments tonight, and might do some more tomorrow. I don't know what I plan to do with them once painted, but oh well. Possibly sell them? I dunno.

Other than that, I think I am going to take a hot shower and some more Tylenol and try and sleep. My tail bone and my hips are more sore now than before, but all that matters is that Elijah is safe and doing alright.

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