Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Holiday Socail

Well today was uneventful, at best. I woke up thinking I had an appointment, good thing Nate looked at the calender! I actually did not. It is tomorrow, along with my NST. My NST is at 9:30am and my Appointment is at 11:20am, so I am going to call up to the NST clinic and see if I can come later, like 10 or 10:30 because its such a waste to drive up there, and then back, and then back up there. Hopefully they see it my way :)

Today I went to the Commissary because the Christmas party for Command group was tonight. I arranged with the other families in Command group to just pitch in together and give me some cash and I'd do the work. We were tasked with appetizers, so it was really easy. I just made a Veggie Tray with dip, and a Fruit tray with dip. Too easy :) I ended up taking 5 plates worth, and came home with a 1 I think. So it definitely gotten eaten.

Nate had to go in at 9am today, even though most people didn't. They consider him "Essential Personal" as he works in Brigade. He came home at like 11:30 though. He called me at about 10 and told me he was playing in the snow with a Humvee and Spc. Ogburn. I guess at first they were told to drive over the parking lots to pack the snow down for other drivers. Then CSM told them to go ahead and see if there was anyone stuck that they could help. He helped I think he said 2 guys, and then they were told to go home. He sounded like a little kid in a candy store!! He was having a blast, and I'm glad because he got some of that out of his system.

The party was cool, It was at the skating rink, so I didn't skate. Nate did for a few, but he only went around a few times, and then decided he wasn't good at it and didn't want to get hurt. They had Santa for the kids, and we hung out with the Ogburn's. We tried to get Austin to sit with Santa but he was not having any part of that (Guess its normal for someone who is 2, being placed on some strange guys lap). It was cool, because I really like CSM Jones and his wife. They are such a cute family. I met allot of the others Nate works with too, that I didn't already know obviously. I forgot to take my phone with me though, and ended up feeling a little guilty about that because I had several missed calls and Text Messages. Normally I wouldn't care but there were 2 people that needed help that I wasn't able to help because we didn't get home until 8:45 or 9:00. Both people understood and had things taken care of though.

I made hard tack candy today :) I made Watermelon and Apple. It turned out really yummy! Nate loves it. Guess I did a good job, and you know what, it wasn't as scary as I remember it last year. Even after my Candy Thermometer broke, I wasn't afraid! I told everyone that is still looking for things to buy me for Christmas to get me gift cards to Hobby Lobby for more Candy making equipment, and to Target for Elijah's needs.

I am 37 weeks now, just waiting..... Above is the picture from tonight :)

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